With any technology navigating the site in a timely fashion can be a little difficult when you first get started. In the next few paragraphs I hope to present a few helpful hints that will enable the user to navigate our site faster and produce much more details.
- The number one helpful hint is to create multiple browser instantiations so that the user does not have to navigate back and forth through the online catalog and the ordering section. This can be done with tab browsing by opening two tabs. One tab should be set to the online catalog and on the other tab the user should be logged in and viewing the quick order screen. This will enable the user to locate a style from the online catalog and view the exact pricing on the quick order screen. Enter the 5 character style number manually or copy and paste the 5 character style number from the online catalog into the style field on the quick order screen. You can then jump back and forth between the quick order screen and the online catalog by clicking on the appropriate tab. This can also be done by opening two browser sessions one set to the online catalog and the other logged in to the quick order screen.
- The online catalog presents may ways to view our inventory. You can click on the product line listings and scroll through all of the products which are arranged alphabetically by age range or you can click on the product line listing and select an age range from the drop down list. Clicking on the drop down list narrows the selection and can make navigation much faster for those who are only interested in one size range.
- The second option is to click on any of the age range images that are located at the bottom of the online catalog page and then refine your search by clicking on the drop down arrow and selecting the product line you are interested in viewing. We have many different types of buyers on our web site, some that only purchase men's items and others that only purchase hooded sweat shirts. This circular logic enables all of our customers to view the category and age range they are interested in seeing.
- Use the pop up displays on the online catalog by placing your cursor or mouse over an image and the inventory available will display at each of our warehouses. This enables the user the opportunity to view the inventory levels and disregard any item that does not meet their objectives.
- These pop ups are also available on the feature details page. By placing your cursor on any of the square color icons the inventory available as well as the packing detail information and pricing changes to match the selection. Place your cursor on any of the color icons and watch the pricing, inventory and packing information change.
- The packing details information are considered the most important information available on our web site. The packing details will show you the colors that are in that case for that specific packing (the color listing is located in the upper left hand corner on the line that says Desc:) as well as the sizes that will be in each carton. The overall size scale per case is listed at the bottom of the form in the row labeled size scale.
- The prices on the online catalog are public pricing and do not necessarily represent the actual pricing. The actual pricing can only be seen when you are logged in and on the quick order screen. The pricing is listed by the case and dividing the price by the number of prepack units will generate the actual unit cost however we have a much faster way to view the individual unit cost without using a calculator. Each price on the quick order screen is a hyper link to our Riley real time calculator and therefore simply clicking the price, sale price or closeout price will display the unit costs.
- Freight costs are a major issue today and we have designed the web site so that you can view the freight charges on your order prior to completing the order. Simply place items in the cart and begin the check out process. Once you have selected a ship to address you can select UPS or FEDEX and the freight costs will be displayed for your unique order. The order has not been completed so you are free to cancel the order, edit quantities in the cart or select an alternate warehouse.
RG Riley has a full staff of customer service reps that are available to help you with any of these tips, obtain a freight quote, or provide useful suggestions to help you with navigating our web site and purchasing our products. Please call 1-800-624-3922 and ask for customer service. You can order from RG Riley by phone, fax or on the internet.