The first show of the fall season is the ASD/AMD show which will feature hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of buyers. The show is a general merchandise show covering everything from gift ware and hard goods to apparel and sporting goods. Exhibitors from all over the world setup and display their products and buyers from all over the world can browse the various product lines looking for good buys to stock there shelves for the fall season. It is impossible to classify the buyers and the type of operations they run but in general the ASD show draws buyers from all spectrum's. Convenience stores, appliance stores, discount stores, health and beauty stores, thrift stores, and independent retailers and merchants are all in attendance. The main attraction is closeouts and great prices. This is a chance to find new vendors and great opportunities for the fall and holiday season. The ASD/AMD show runs from August 9th to August 12th and is held in multiple locations including the Sands convention center and the Las Vegas convention center. If you will be attending the ASD show and you are interested in off price apparel please stop by and see RG Riley. Please click on the trade show link for details.
The second major show that RG Riley will be attending is the Off-Price show in Las Vegas, Nevada. The show will be held in the Sands convention center with the show dates overlapping the MAGIC show. The Off-Price show features off price apparel in all age ranges.
Hundreds of country's biggest wholesalers will display branded and mass merchandise apparel at deeply discounted prices. In general the buyers represent chain stores, independent retailers and regional retailers with a value conscious customer base. The major emphasis is off price apparel including imported clothing as well as closeout and irregular apparel.
With the sluggish economy the off-price sector continues to pick up steam as retail buyers look to find better and less expensive products for their every day needs. Please click on the trade show link for dates and details.
If you would like to read more about the ASD/AMD show or Off-Price show please click on the show name and you will be directed to their respective web sites. These web sites also feature online registration.